Friday, April 17, 2009

Here's cream in your eye!

While at work, here I am thinking, 'I envy the people who are able to create art just by pouring cream into coffee...'
Staring at my own cup o' joe with the 'Creme Brulee' cream that I just carelessly poured into my ordinary work mug. Who knew that a small moment in my morning would bring such crazy thoughts of the video I had once seen about cream art. I must look this up on YouTube on my break and link to it so you, dear reader, can understand the beauty of simplicity.

(EDIT) Coffee Art video:

I've been at my job for about 7 months now and it's really putting me in my place. I'm constantly learning that I don't know squat about computers (apparently). I know the basics and am more of a Mac user than a PC user since all I have is a Mac-Mini at home. I like that this job is a learning experience for me since it's different than the last QA job I had, but it still makes me feel inferior compared to others around me who have obviously been here longer and are older than I am. I feel that my age is a factor in how people treat me here at work, but I'm mature enough to know that only those who judge me don't really know me, so fuck 'em.

I love coffee... why? I don't know. I use to hate it when I was younger, tasting only a little free sample from Central Market whenever we use to go (loaded with lots of sugar, of course). My younger brother was usually the coffee machine in the family. I really got into Coffee Ice Cream after a while and my taste in coffee has improved. The only thing I'm worried about coffee is that it stains your teeth :(
Maybe I should switch to more tea...

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